About the Institution


St James Community Institute for Biblical Studies (SJCIBS) in affiliation with Christian Bible Institute & Seminary was founded in 2007 as a formal theological training institute.  Sis. Wilma Stevens, under the pastorate of Dr. B.W. McClendon Sr. and with Pastor B.W. McClendon Jr. met in counsel to establish SJCIBS with goals to impart, sharpen and shape other Christian individuals with a deeply rooted foundation of sound doctrine and biblical perspectives. 


Since its inception, the St James Community Institute for Biblical Studies has stood readied to the never-ending clarion call, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" For those who answered, "Here am I send me,"  SJCIBS, continues under the dedicated leadership of Sis. Stevens and Dr. McClendon, with affordable programs, varied class offerings, and dedicated instructors focused on enhancing the student's call in ministry. 


A key word in our title is "Community."  This is indicative of the Institute's global outreach. Our focus is to use our collective efforts of God given abilities with affirmed dedication to produce effective Christian leaders and make our world a better place in which to live.